Whether it is a one-person sole company or a small and medium-sized business, all these businesses carry out very similar daily operational activities. Keeping customer data on record, sending customer notifications – SMS, email, WhatsApp, tracking financial management – payment and collection, pre- accounting systems, invoicing, business performance tracking – sales, personnel management and marketing / promotion management are the main daily activities.
Unfortunately, all these operational activities have to be managed on different platforms by small-sized businesses. Paper/pencil, Excel and Word files, different application integrations, and pre-accounting systems are the most used examples of these platforms. This causes great inefficiency, loss of time and customers. Research shows that businesses have to use 8 different platforms simultaneously that are not integrated with each other. On the contrary, all these activities have to work on a single platform like a heart beat of a living organism.
Beeasist digitalizes and manages daily operational activities of businesses working in the service sector on a single platform. All customer information of the business is protected in its cloud-based system with 100% security. The operational activities that the business has to carry out during the day have been digitalized on modules that are fully integrated with each other. Thanks to integration, communication and information sharing between team members increases. Business processes run more efficiently. Collected customer data can be analyzed and used effectively to increase customer satisfaction and expand the business. Businesses that manage business processes more effectively against their competitors gain a competitive advantage. Digital systems help businesses adapt to changing market conditions more quickly and flexibly.
Protecting and growing your business is your priority, we are aware of this. Beeasist is your right arm, working 24/7 just like you, supporting you at any time,